The #ReadyToListen MAP
At the heart of the #ReadyToListen project is a MAP with 10 Elements - each outlining the Myths, facts And Practical strategies required to promote prevention of sexual assault in residential aged care. The 10 MAP Elements and related resources are outlined below. Please also see the following resources:
- Overview of the MAP Guidelines (word version), click here
- Overview of the MAP Guidelines (ppt), click here
MAP Element 1: Understanding sexual assault definitions and prevalence
Summary statement: Education and resources are provided to ensure staff understand sexual assault definitions and prevalence.
- Element 1 summary (print version), coming soon
- Element 1 video, coming soon
- Staff poster, coming soon
- Sexual assault policy, coming soon
- Sexual assault and LGBTI people, coming soon
MAP Element 2: Determining sexual consent
Summary statement: Information and education are provided to ensure staff and residents understand what resident’s sexual rights are, what sexual consent is, and that sexual consent is explicitly given for each and every sexual activity.
- Element 2 summary (print version), coming soon
- Element 2 video coming soon
- Consent guide, coming soon
- Charter of resident's sexual rights and responsibilities, coming soon
MAP Element 3: Assessing the indicators of sexual assault
Summary statement: The physical and psychological indicators of sexual assault are understood and prompt staff to check whether sexual assault has occurred.
- Element 3 summary (print version), coming soon
- Element 3 video coming soon
- Indicators of sexual assault check list, coming soon
MAP Element 4: Identifying the impacts of sexual assault
Summary statement: The impacts of sexual assault are understood and prompt staff to implement strategies to support victims/survivors and prevent sexual assault.
- Element 4 summary (print version), coming soon
- Element 4 video on impacts, click here
- Impacts of sexual assault check list, coming soon
MAP Element 5: Complying with reporting requirements
Summary statement: Staff understand and comply with reporting requirements under SIRS and take into account the reasonable expectation of harm when reporting sexual assault.
- Element 5 summary (print version), coming soon
- Element 5 video coming soon
- Guide to contacting the police, coming soon
- Staff poster template for internal and external reporting, coming soon
- Sexual assault policy, coming soon
MAP Element 6: Providing immediate safety and support
Summary statement: Staff support victim/survivors who disclose sexual assault, provide information on sexual assault and advocacy services, and ensure immediate safety.
- Element 6 summary (print version), coming soon
- Element 6 video coming soon
- Information for residents and their families (or advocates), coming soon
- Guide for accessing sexual assault services, coming soon
- Immediate responses checklist, click here
- Guide for promoting resident autonomy, coming soon
MAP Element 7: Practicing open disclosure
Summary statement: Staff understand and implement practical strategies for communicating about sexual assault in ways that are honest, timely, ethically responsible, and professionally expected.
- Element 7 summary (print version), coming soon
- Element 7 video coming soon
- Framework for Open Disclosure and Sexual Assault, coming soon
MAP Element 8: Providing trauma informed residential aged care
Summary statement: The service has a policy on Trauma Informed Residential Aged Care Services to promote the wellbeing of sexual assault victim/survivors, other residents, families, staff and volunteers – and staff education promotes policy implementation.
- Element 8 summary (print version), coming soon
- Element 8 video coming soon
- Guide to trauma informed residential aged care services, coming soon
- Guide to sensitive services for victims of sexual assault, coming soon
MAP Element 9: Recognising and reducing resident vulnerability
Summary statement: Staff recognise the factors that contribute to residents’ vulnerability to sexual assault and take steps to reduce this vulnerability.
- Element 9 summary (print version), coming soon
- Element 9 video coming soon
- Kate Swaffer's video message: here
MAP Element 10: Protection, prevention and service improvement
Summary statement: The organisation demonstrates commitment to preventing sexual assault by implementing the practical strategies outlined in the #ReadyToListen MAP
- Element 10 summary (print version), coming soon
- Element 10 video coming soon
- MAP Audit and Planning Tool (pdf), coming soon
- MAP Audit and Planning Tool (word version), coming soon.
Contact us
If you would like more information about this project, please contact:
- Project Coordinator Dr Catherine Barrett by phone on: 0429582237 or email: [email protected]
- Yumi Lee, Manager Older Women's Network NSW: [email protected]
Project partners
The #ReadyToListen project has been funded by the Department of Health and is being delivered by the Older Person's Advocacy Network, in partnership with Celebrate Ageing and the Older Women's Network, New South Wales. The Project Coordinator, Dr Catherine Barrett, is the Director of Celebrate Ageing and long term advocate for prevention of the sexual assault of older women.